History of the Company

The founder, Giuseppe Marzialetti, grew up and learnt the trade in the district of Montappone. Already at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, the economy of this area was based on producing and selling hats.

As a boy he joined one of the historical companies that produce hats in Montappone where he learnt the production techniques, the art of “salesmanship”, and how to choose and then manage suppliers.

In the light of all this know-how and experience gathered, the desire grew to create something of his own: so with a partner he founded his first firm which already had 12 employees. Soon the small firm had become a leader in craft production in the district, selling its hats all over Italy.

In 1975, with the collaboration of his wife Ida Paoloni, the firm was renewed and PAIMAR was founded.
The couple divided the tasks: Ida was the designer of the collections while Giuseppe covered both technical and commercial roles and they specialised in the children’s segment without ever leaving that of ladies and men which, over the years, was to acquire increasing.

In 1993 their son Paolo Marzialetti also joined the company, and expanded the business beyond the borders of Europe and America reaching Asia and China.

The Marche Regional Council has decided to enhance, promote and protect the tradition of the old craftwork with the new brand Marche Eccellenza Artigiana. A major initiative to protect and revive the traditional craftmanship of the Region, focusing on high quality and especially on its recognition.

Brand: Marche Eccellenza Artigiana dal 2011 

Paimar has been able to boast the brand since 2011 and its founder, Giuseppe Marzialetti, has been awarded the title of MAESTRO ARTIGIANO.

On March 8th 2014 Giuseppe and Paolo Marzialetti were awarded the Prize VOLARE “Eccellenze d’Autore” consigned by the President of Unioncamere Marche and of the Chamber of Commerce, Graziano Di Battista, for the following reasons:

“Giuseppe and Paolo Marzialetti represent the first and the second generation of PAIMAR, one of the forerunner companies of the Fermo Hat District, always considered as a boast of the Made in Italy in the world.
Giuseppe founded it with his wife Ida while Paolo has boosted the internationalization of the company, in addition of having been able to combine the attention for his own territory with the promotion of the whole sector through his commitment at the top of national trade unions.”